
India’s first listed and state-of-the-art commodity derivatives exchange that facilitates online trading of commodity derivatives transactions, thereby providing a platform for price discovery and risk management. The Exchange, which started operations in November 2003, operates under the regulatory framework of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). It is India’s first exchange to offer commodity options contracts. The Exchange has an extensive national reach, with its presence in around 1056 cities and towns across India.


To reduce rollbacks after making network-related changes


Almost 70% of the planned changes were being rolled back due to issues in the production system post implementing the change


  • Reviewed all the rolled back change requests
  • Provided analysis for failures in implementing the change requests
    • Primarily due to the lack of a holistic approach at the customer end


  • The client achieved near-perfect change management process and also improved time to provision new services
  • Due to our holistic approach, we were onboard to analyze and implement all the future change requests
  • Since then, not a single change request has been rolled back
  • Implemented 20 change request in the last year with zero rollbacks